Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards

In Tarot cards, We TAP into the energy of the person and give you the right guidance with Remedies. You can count on Tarot Cards when you want to -

  • Get Accurate Predictions
  • Seek SPECIFIC answers
  • Need guidance in case of a dilemma

Tarot cards represent the many facets of our subconscious and conscious mind. Each card had a different story to tell, and it embodies an archetype or a specific energy that surrounds you.

The Tarot has a deck of 78 cards categorized into two Arcana – the major and the minor, each featuring different symbolic pictures that foretell various facets of your life. The major Arcana consists of 22 cards, while the minor Arcana is like a traditional deck of playing cards, with four suits of 14 cards each.

When you receive a Tarot Card, think of it as a clue form the universe. These cards are like mirrors – they simply reflect what lies in our subconscious minds, and lays it out in front of us. They not only predict the future, but also offer suggestions and remedies that help you decide the outcome of your choices. Tarot readings believe that that our futures aren't written in stone – our choices determine our future, which means that we have the ability to change our future.

For example-

  • Is he or she the right person forme?
  • Will the person be appearing in the court hearing?
  • Which option should I choose?
  • How will be my future soulmate?
  • When will I be getting married?
  • Should I start a food chain or a fashion boutique?

In Tarot cards, We TAP into the energy of the person and give you the right guidance with remedies